Course curriculum

    1. How to use this course

    2. So excited to start our journey together

    3. Cohort Agreement

    4. WESEE Collective Framework

    5. 4th Sector Innovations' Integrated Innovation System (IIS) Overview

    6. Weekly Cohort Meeting Video 10 Nov 23

    1. This week's objectives

    2. Overview - Communicating your Venture

    3. Fast Pitch Builder

    4. Weekly Video of Fast Pitch Submittal

    5. 4th Sector Innovations' Integrated Innovation System

    6. Weekly Articles Submitted to Discord

    7. Assessment

    8. Feedback

    9. Weekly Cohort Meeting Video 17 Nov 23

    1. Preparing for the journey

    2. Overview

    3. Critical Assumptions Log

    4. KNOT Chart

    5. Weekly Articles Submitted to Discord

    6. Weekly Assessment

    7. Learning reflection

    8. Weekly feedback

    9. Weekly Cohort Meeting Video 1 Dec 23

    1. Overview

    2. Check Your Bias

    3. Develop your discovery script

    4. Discovery Script Builder Template

    5. Discovery Script Activator

    6. Discovery Script Example

    7. The Best Interviewers Ever

    8. Weekly Video of Fast Pitch Submittal

    9. Weekly Articles Submitted to Discord

    10. Weekly feedback

    11. Weekly Cohort Meeting Video 8 Dec 23

    1. Generating Ideas Overview

    2. Slides for Wk 4

    3. 1) Use Empathy to Activate Your Challenge and Opportunity Sensors

    4. 2) The Importance of Defining the Problem

    5. 3) Generate Ideas and Hypotheses to Test With Your Stakeholders

    6. Weekly Video of Fast Pitch Submittal

    7. Weekly Articles Submitted to Discord

    8. Weekly feedback

    9. Weekly Cohort Meeting Video 15 Dec 23

    1. Overview

    2. Assignment: Data to wisdom for your venture

    3. Assignment: Data Veracity

    4. Weekly Articles Submitted to Discord

    5. Weekly Video of Fast Pitch Submittal

    6. Weekly feedback

    7. Weekly Cohort Meeting Video 22 Dec 23

About this course

  • Free
  • 103 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content