Course curriculum

    1. So excited to start our journey together

    2. How to use this course

    3. Cohort Agreement

    4. WESEE Collective Framework

    5. 4th Sector Innovations' Integrated Innovation System (IIS) Overview

    1. Session objectives

    2. 4th Sector Innovations' Integrated Innovation System

    3. Business Model Canvas

    4. Assessment

    5. Feedback

    6. Cohort Meeting Video 10 June 24

    7. Slides for Session 1

    1. Overview

    2. 1) Use Empathy to Activate Your Challenge and Opportunity Sensors

    3. Check Your Bias

    4. 2) The Importance of Defining the Problem

    5. Fast Pitch Builder

    6. Weekly Assessment

    7. Learning reflection

    8. Weekly feedback

    9. Weekly Articles Submitted to InterPhase Incubator Community

    10. Seesion 2 Cohort Meeting Video 12 June 24

    1. Overview

    2. Discovery Script Activator

    3. Develop your discovery script

    4. Critical Assumptions Log

    5. KNOT Chart

    6. 3) Generate Ideas and Hypotheses to Test With Your Stakeholders

    7. Discovery Script Builder Template

    8. Discovery Script Example

    9. Overview - SRM: Beyond CRM

    10. The Best Interviewers Ever

    11. Weekly feedback

    12. Session 3 Cohort Meeting Video 14 June 24

    1. Generating Ideas Overview

    2. Initiating my identity and brand journey

    3. Overview

    4. Assignment: Data to wisdom for your venture

    5. The Pitch Deck

    6. Assignment - Pitch Deck Development

    7. Overview - Calculating Markets

    8. Assignment - Create market calculations

    9. Porter's Five Forces

    10. Bonus Content on Brand and Identity: Guest Speaker Florian Philippe and Weekly Cohort Meeting Video 12 Jan 24

    11. Weekly Video of Fast Pitch Submittal

    12. Weekly feedback

    13. Weekly Articles Submitted to InterPhase Incubator Community

    14. Brand and Identity

    1. Overview: Alright stop . . .

    2. SWOT

    3. Overview - Sharing is Caring

    4. Assignment: Data Veracity

    5. Assignment: Seeking Truth and SMEs

    6. Meaningful metrics

    7. Assignment: Identify Key IP and Explore Protection

    8. Assignment: Evaluate and select your initial SRM

    9. Overview: What's up partner?

    10. Identifying My < 0 [) 3

    11. Identify potential partners from IISC and BMC

    12. Assignment: Mentor Alignment

    13. Group Think: Thinking about groups

    14. Identify three spectra of personas

    15. Identify most relevant psychographics, demographics, and sociographics

    16. Weekly Articles Submitted to Discord

    17. Assignment: Exploring Collabs

    18. Weekly Video of Fast Pitch Submittal

    19. Weekly feedback

    20. Weekly Cohort Meeting Video 5 Jan 24

About this course

  • Free
  • 76 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content